Tuesday 13 November 2007

and now for something suicide-inducing

Most heinously depressing* song in the history of the known universe:

-It has very little beat, tune, structure, etc.
-The lyrics are quite twee
-Neither vocalist sounds their best
-One day, I will be found dead to the tune of this song, underneath a pile of Stars CDs with 'I COULDN'T GET IT OFF REPEAT' written on the wall in my own blood. Admitedly, this is really quite a cool death in terms of a)kitsch, b)possibility for wearing Cradle Of Filth pyjamas during the event so I am not sure I will mind too much.

Edit: it just occurred to me that I failed to mention the name of the above song, which is 'The Life Effect,' and that it is written, performed, indied, etc. by Stars, who are proper shoegaze and have incest with Broken Social Scene.

*NB: by 'heinously depressing' I don't mean it's shit, I mean it's just one of those songs that sends you into a spinning hole of intense remorse.

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